Waste Reduction

Federal estimates show that 75% of solid waste can be diverted from the landfill, yet Boulder County currently diverts roughly 35%. In making sustainable resource and disposal choices, your business can cut costs on supplies and raw materials, enhance overall efficiency, lessen your impact on the environment, and convert waste into a valuable product.

Available Rebates and Incentives

The City of Lafayette is committed to supporting businesses transitioning from single-use items to reusable solutions. To help small businesses cover some of the costs, the City of Lafayette and PACE is offering a one-time incentive toward purchasing reusable solutions (only while funds last). Incentives can cover up to 50% of total project costs and will not exceed $1,000. Fill in the application form here. Examples of items funded include but are not limited to:

  • Durables dishware
  • Reusable takeout containers
  • Dishwashers

If you have questions, contact a PACE advisor at info@PACEpartners.com or 303-786-7223

The City of Boulder is committed to supporting businesses transitioning from single-use items to reusable solutions. To help small businesses cover some of the costs, the City of Boulder and PACE are offering a one-time incentive toward purchasing reusable solutions (only while funds last). Incentives can cover up to 70% of total project costs and will not exceed $2,000. Fill in the application form here. Examples of items funded include but are not limited to:

  • Durables dishware
  • Reusable takeout containers
  • Dishwashers

In addition to the incentive above, the City of Boulder is offering $1,500 worth of free reusable takeout container services (e.g., DeliverZero or r.Cup) to businesses or organizations who will try them out.

If you have questions, contact a PACE advisor at info@PACEpartners.com or 303-786-7223

PACE offers up to $300 towards the purchase of interior waste, recycling, and compost bins for businesses that do not already have an adequate setup. Pre-approval is required for purchase through PACE’s supplier. Contact your PACE advisor for more information.

Stay tuned for new incentives to increase waste diversion beyond recycling and composting.

$150 coupons are available to Boulder County businesses that sign up for new recycling services or take the next step towards Zero Waste by committing to new composting services.

Recycling and composting will not only help businesses to enhance their positive public image, but can also increase savings from reduced trash disposal cost, foster employee pride through positive company initiative, divert valuable resources from the landfill, and reduce their environmental footprint!

As City of Boulder businesses move closer to compliance with required composting and recycling services, please know that these coupons can also be used for adopting hard-to-recycle services like Eco-Cycle’s CHaRM on the Road program.

Zero Waste Business Coupons are provided by the Boulder County Resource Conservation Division and are available through your waste hauler. Please check with your hauler for availability and to sign up. You may also contact the Resource Conservation Division at 720-564-2220 or email Conservation for more information. Coupons are available on a first come, first serve basis until funds run out.

PACE incentives are available on a first come, first serve basis. Businesses are required to contact an advisor to confirm funding availability, ensure that your project meets the eligibility requirements.

Repurposed booths and tables at the Buff Restaurant

Community Highlight

When The Buff Restaurant in Boulder moved to its new location, the restaurant reused and repurposed many of the materials that were already there: the wood from the previous restaurant’s booths was made into new booths, and some of the new wood walls were created by turning around the existing beadboard.

The Buff received PACE certification in Zero Waste and earned recognition from Western Disposal for diverting more than 95 percent of its waste into compost and recycling. Ask us how you can be next!

Click Here to Get Started

Additional Resources

Your PACE advisor can create a set of custom recycling, compost, and trash signs to post above your indoor diversion bins. The images on the signs will be only the items that are most common in your business’s waste stream. Customized signage helps your employees and customers identify the right bin. Contact your PACE advisor to get started.

Your expert advisor can teach your employees about composting and recycling, why it is important, and how to participate effectively. To keep diversion high, include zero waste trainings in your new employee orientation and provide refreshers at regular staff meetings.

Local Zero Waste Facilities:

  • Call2Recycle – nonprofit organization that collects and recycles batteries at no cost for municipalities, businesses, and consumers
  • Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) – recycling and reuse collection facility for unusual items such as: electronics, hard-to-recycle plastics, block styrofoam, shredded paper, textiles, scrap metal, yoga mats, bicycles and parts
  • Hazardous Materials Management Facility (HMMF) – recycling and re-use collection and disposal facility for hazardous waste, such as fluorescent bulbs and tubes, cleaning products, maintenance products, motor oil and antifreeze, paint, small quantities of business hazardous wastes

Tools and Templates: